This documentation shows how to change the company logo on the Oracle Applications Portal Home page. This documentation uses Linux commands; substitute Windows commands as necessary.
Problem: The logo on the portal home page is the Oracle logo. The company logo is needed instead.
Solution: Locate the logo image file on the file system and replace it with the company logo.
Step 1: Create a new GIF file with the company logo. Resize the logo so that it no more than 70 pixels in height.
Step 2: Navigate to $COMMON_TOP/portal/$CONTEXT_NAME, e.g.
cd /emcb/test/testcomn/portal/TEST_utterptest
Step 3: Copy the new company logo to the above directory.
Step 4: Backup the original logo by copying it a file with extension OLD, e.g.
cp appsmed3.gif appsmed3.old
Step 5: Copy the new logo to appsmed3.gif, e.g.
cp newlogo.gif appsmed3.gif
The logo is changed on the portal home page.