Grants missing after applying patch 6502082

Problem: The following error occurs when applying patch 6502082 for the second time:

AutoPatch error:

Your database is missing important grants on SYS objects.

To fix this:

1) Log on as the database server owner, and set your environment for maintaining your database server.  Create a directory called $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin and copy $APPL_TOP/admin/adgrants.sql to that directory.

2) Connect to the database as the SYS user and run adgrants.sql passing the name of the schema containing FND tables. For example, if the schema that contains FND tables in your database is called APPLSYS, you would run adgrants.sql as follows:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin

$ sqlplus /nolog

SQL> connect / as sysdba

SQL> @adgrants.sql APPLSYS

Solution: Perform steps listed above

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