Where is the IBM WebSphere for PeopleSoft located?
Where is the IBM WebSphere for PeopleSoft located?
After running the following process:
Instance: 7082
Type: Application Engine
Description: Flat File Journal Import
The following error appears in the message log:
Invalid parameter for GetAttachment(). Check environment variable PS_FILEDIR in process scheduler. (5825,118)
In My Computer, navigated to E:PSOFTFS900webservPSOL_fsdmoinstalledAppsPSOL_fsdmoNodeCellPSOL.earPSOL.warhtmldoc
Searched under this htmldoc directory for all files containing PS_FILEDIR.
In file:///E:/PSOFT/FS900/webserv/PSOL_fsdmo/installedApps/PSOL_fsdmoNodeCell/PSOL.ear/PSOL.war/htmldoc/eng/psbooks/fglr/htm/fglr07.htm#d0e5496
the following appears:
You must define an environmental variable, PS_FILEDIR. This variable defines the temporary flat file location on the process scheduler that runs the file import process. If you have a Unix or OS390 process scheduler, you define this in the file. If you have an NT process scheduler, you define this in the control panel [Micro Focus XDB Server for NX 5.1 Service Controller]. Please refer to the GetFile PeopleCode reference for more details or contact your system administrator.
Also in:
Setting PS_FILEDIR in Microsoft Windows Environments To set the PS_FILEDIR environment variable in Microsoft Windows environments:
Close any open DOS windows.
On your desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and click Properties.
The System Properties dialog appears.
Click the Advanced tab.
In the Environment Variables section, click the Environment Variables button.
The Environment Variables dialog box appears.
In the User variables for section, click New.
A New User Variable dialog box displays.
In the Variable Name field enter PS_FILEDIR.
In the Variable Value field, enter c:.
The path you specify is the location from where the system will upload files.
Click the OK button to exit the Environment Variables dialog box.
Click the OK button again to exit the System Properties dialog box.
Under Process Monitor (PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor), reports are completing successfully, but hyperlinks to the posted reports are not appearing.
The hyperlink appears under the Details column:
1. Select
2. Instance
3. Seq.
4. Process Type
5. Process Name
6. User
7. Run Date/Time
8. Run Status
9. Distribution Status
10. Details
Also, ensure that Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) is enabled in the Application Server.
When running the Build and Alter Task > Build and Alter Step, the follow appear in the log file:
SQL Build process began on 12/29/2008 at 3:43:44 PM for database FSDEV. Warning: SAC_SRCNODE_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: The record SPL_PEGGING_INF has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index. Warning: The record WTHD_SENT_DTL has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index. Warning: The record WTHD_SNT_D_HST has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index. Warning: The record WTHD_TO_SND_DTL has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index. Warning: The record WTHD_TO_SND_TMP has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index. Warning: The record WTHD_TRXN_TMP3 has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index. Warning: GM_CONT_CERT_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: GM_CONT_JHDR_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: GM_CONT_PROF_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: PL_SOHOLD3_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: RE_OPEXADT_PADD - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: RE_OPEXADT_RADD - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: SAC_TGTNODE_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: SHIPTO_ADDR_VW1 - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: SHIPTO_ADDR_VW2 - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: SPA_SP_RC_PD_V2 - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: VNDR_ORDER_TMP - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) Warning: VNDR_REMIT_TMP - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73) **** Begin Build Settings for this Run Create Tables = Yes Create Indexes = Yes Create Views = Yes Create Triggers = Yes Alter Tables = Yes Log to File = Yes Log to Window = No Write comments to script = Yes Always overwrite files = Yes Execute SQL Now = No Write SQL to script file = Yes Logging level = Log fatal errors and warnings only Table creation option = Skip table if it exists View creation option = Drop and recreate view if it exists IndexCreationOption = Recreate index only if modified Alter Adds = Yes Alter Changes = Yes Alter Renames = Yes Alter Deletes = Yes Alter even if no changes = No Alter Table Option = Alter in Place Write script output to: Separate files Log filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/BuildAndAlter.log Table creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTables.sql Index creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateIndexes.sql View creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateView.sql Trigger creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTriggers.sql Alter table script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/AlterTables.sql Alter drop column option = drop column if data present Alter truncate column option = truncate column if data present Target database platform = MICROSFT Target sizing set = 0 SQL Build process ended on 12/29/2008 at 3:45:28 PM. 1641 records processed, 0 errors, 19 warnings. SQL Build script for Create Tables written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTables.sql. SQL Build script for Create Indexes written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateIndexes.sql. SQL Build script for Create Views written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateView.sql. SQL Build script for Create Triggers written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTriggers.sql. SQL Build script for Alter Tables written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/AlterTables.sql. SQL Build log file written to E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/BuildAndAlter.log.
This is acceptable according to the documentation for the step:
If you receive the following warning message during the Build and Alter Step of the Build and Alter task, it is due to the Record being deleted by the Project. Please ignore the warning: Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73). If you receive the following warning message during the Build and Alter Step of the Build and Alter task, it is due to the field being deleted by the Project. Please ignore the warning: Field to be deleted has data present. Record processed. (76,23).DB2 Customers may need to recreate All Views manually by running createvw.dms using Datamover. This is because some views might become inoperable due to dependencies.If Run Create Triggers Script step fails because a trigger does not exist in the database then go to the CREATETRIGGERS.sql script in the Output directory, remove the offending statement and rerun the script.
After deploying files from MP5, the COBOL programs must be compiled. However, some files do not compile:
E:tempcompile>set PS_HOME=E:PSOFTFS900
E:tempcompile>set COBROOT=E:cobolBase
E:tempcompile>cd /d E:PSOFTFS900setup
E:PSOFTFS900setup>cblbld E: tempcompile
ASCII Cobol Compilations Proceeding
Logging progress to file E:tempcompileCBLBLD.LOG
COBOL compiler found in E:cobolBase
Target directory (E:PSOFTFS900CBLBINA) exists and is writable
Copying source files …
Building the COBOL targets …
File(s) that failed to compile or link:
Compile error for CPPIPRDN.obj
Compile error for INPFVALD.obj
Compile error for INPGPROC.obj
Compile error for INPGREPL.obj
Compile error for INPJIURV.obj
Compile error for INPPPROC.obj
Compile error for INPTVALD.obj
Compile error for INPVPROC.obj
Compile error for INPVVALD.obj
Compile error for INPZPWFB.obj
Compile error for SFPBPCFG.obj
Compile error for SFPDCDRV.obj
Compile error for SFPDCOMP.obj
Compile error for SFPDCVAL.obj
Compile error for SFPDISUE.obj
Compile error for SFPSGBRC.obj
Compile error for SFPSUPDT.obj
Compile error for SFPSVALD.obj
The error list is in E:tempcompileERROR.LIS
Aborting this process !!! EXEs/GNTs/INTs are not going to be copied/replaced…
Please fix the errors and rerun this batch file !!!!!!!
The problem is with COBOL compiles, where if the customer doesn’t have all the products licensed when we compile the COBOLs from recent Maintenance Packs we get errors. This is due to the fact that CA is not looking at the licensed products or dbcodes to validate licensed products. Therefore errors are displayed during the compilation as copybooks are not supplied for the non licensed products.
Here’s an example list of the COBOLs that don’t compile:
Here’s a copy of what’s in the dbcodes.ep:
EP PeopleSoft FIN/SCM Database
EP PeopleSoft FIN/SCM Demo Database
AM PeopleSoft Asset Management
CM PeopleSoft Cash Management
CO PeopleSoft Common Objects
TR = PeopleSoft Deal Management
EO = PeopleSoft Enterprise Components
EPO = PeopleSoft eProcurement
GL = PeopleSoft General Ledger
AP = PeopleSoft Payables
PO = PeopleSoft Purchasing
Not Applicable
Tools incident 714685000 was created. The incident is considered to be an enhancement for change assistant in a tools versions greater than 8.45.
If the customer does not have licenses for the modules related to the cobol files that are failing, they can ignore the compile errors. If they do not want to ignore the error messages, they can remove the erroring files from the src directory (move them to another directory) and run compile again.
E-CA Change assistant not checking the license before compiling the cobols (Doc ID 623178.1)
In Change Assistant (on glwebapp), navigated to Tools > Apply Change Packages. Went through wizard and reached Select apply directory. Chose directory E:staging, but the following error appeared:
Cannot locate any Change Packages in the apply directory
Choose directory that contains the zip file of the downloaded patch (e.g. the directory that contains, E:stagingCDImagescd849-FinMP5Cumulative).
set COBROOT=”C:Program FilesMicro FocusNet Express 5.0Base”
E:PSOFTFS900srccblwin32cblmake FSP*
E:PSOFTFS900srccblwin32cblmake GLP*
Note that the above commands assume that the current working directory is the directory with the COBOL programs. It may be a good idea to run the cblmake, after running cblbld and the current working directory is that with the output of the cblbld programs (e.g. E:tempcompile_20081223b).
In Command Prompt, run the following commands:
set COBROOT=E:cobolBase
cd /d E:PSOFTFS900setup
cblbld E: tempcompile_20081223a
set COBROOT=”C:Program FilesMicro FocusNet Express 5.0Base”
cd /d E:PSOFTFS900setup
cblbld E: tempcompile_20081223b
After compiling, the following is displayed:
File(s) that failed to compile or link:
Compile error for FSPCTADJ.obj
Compile error for FSPYCLOG.obj
Compile error for GLPCEARN.obj
Compile error for GLPCIPNL.obj
Compile error for GLPCPROC.obj
Compile error for GLPOELIM.obj
Compile error for GLPPBKCD.obj
Compile error for GLPPINWK.obj
Compile error for GLPPRVRS.obj
Compile error for GLPPUNPS.obj
Compile error for PTPSQLGS.obj
The error list is in E:tempcompileERROR.LIS
Aborting this process !!! EXEs/GNTs/INTs are not going to be copied/replaced…
Please fix the errors and rerun this batch file !!!!!!!
Check the CBLBLD.LOG file for details:
The E:tempcompileERROR.LIS file showed:
Compile error for FSPCTADJ.obj
Compile error for FSPYCLOG.obj
Compile error for GLPCEARN.obj
Compile error for GLPCIPNL.obj
Compile error for GLPCPROC.obj
Compile error for GLPOELIM.obj
Compile error for GLPPBKCD.obj
Compile error for GLPPINWK.obj
Compile error for GLPPRVRS.obj
Compile error for GLPPUNPS.obj
Compile error for PTPSQLGS.obj
Check the list file for the above files:
The above COBOL programs exceed the 2200-line limit for the free version of Micro Focus Cobol Net Express Edition, and so cannot be compiled.
Exception java.lang.NullPointerException caught in org.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer.serializeNode()
Dec 22, 2008 4:44:58 PM WARNING: Exception java.lang.NullPointerException caught in org.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer.serializeNode() java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer.serializeNode(Unknown Source) at org.apache.xml.serialize.BaseMarkupSerializer.serialize(Unknown Source) at at at at at$ at Source)
Checking the Environment Hub (http://glwebapp:8000/PSEMHUB/hub), it returns:
Registered Hosts Summary – 8.49.15.
Hostname OS Type OS Version IP Address State Peer ID Peer Type Peer Version
GLDBASE Windows 2003 5.2 Running 4 Agent 8.49.15.
GLWEBAPP Windows 2003 5.2 Running 1 Agent 8.49.15.
GLWEBAPP Windows 2003 5.2 Not Running 2 Change Assistant 8.49.15.
Note that from the above table, the Change Assistant is not running.
In Change Assistant, under Tools > Options, the Change Assistant Mode is set to Perform PeopleSoft Upgrade. It should be set to Apply Application Update.
When recreating database (on page 420-421 of Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 Installation for Microsoft SQL Server), Application Designer crashes on record 2746/4009 while copying project PPLTL84CUR.
1. Run Application Designer on glwebapp, not gldbase
2. Copy the PTPATCH project using Application Designer
Others suggestions:
FSCM MP5 partially applied to node. Inconsistent libraries for Application Designer. Reapply MP5.
Allocate more memory to the Java runtime.
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