(QUERY-27) Following Queries Use XLAT Fields Whose Values Do not Exist in PSXLATITEM Table

(QUERY-27) Following Queries Use XLAT Fields Whose Values Do not Exist in PSXLATITEM Table


After running SYSAUDIT on FSDEV, the following error appears:

(QUERY-27) Following Queries Use XLAT Fields Whose Values Do not Exist In PSXLATITEM Table:
Query Name Field Name
 ---------- ----------------------
 1 Total Rows


1. Determine if scriptsPTPATCH.DMS was run. Log onto SQL Server Management Studio and running the following command:

select * from PS_MAINTENANCE_LOG where UPDATE_ID = '768890';

2. Next, load Application Designer and copy the PATCH849 project from file.

It was already copied.

3. Check PS_QRYFIELD_VW to see the fields used in the ARDISH01 query:

select * from dbo.PS_QRYFIELD_VW where QRYNAME = 'ARDISH01'

4. Get list of ‘DRAFT_’ field names from the PSXLATITEM table:

select distinct FIELDNAME from PSXLATITEM where FIELDNAME like 'DRAFT_%'

There is no DRAFT_TYPE field in this table.

5. Get list of ‘DRAFT_’ field names from the PSXLATITEM table:

Checked SYSAUDIT for FSDMO. This error is not present. Apply MP5 to FSDEV to resolve issue.

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