Monthly Archives: October 2009 Forms session failed during startup: no response from runtime process

Problem: Forms session <1> failed during startup: no response from runtime process

Solution: Applications were not linked properly during install. Manually relink applications using adadmin.

Unable to make a network connection

Problem: When configuring Workflow Mailer, and no password is entered for the Inbound Mailer Server (IMAP), the instance pauses for a few seconds, then returns:

Unable to make a network connection


If a valid mail server is entered into the Inbound Server Name under Inbound Email Account, but invalid username and password is entered, the following message appears:

Unable to connect to the mail account. Check the host, user name and password.

If a valid mail server is entered into the Inbound Server Name under Inbound Email Account, and a valid username and password is entered, the following message appears:


Need to put a valid username and password into the Inbound Server Name.

Ensure that the Test Email Address and Reply-To email addresses are different.
