RW-50004: Error code received when running external process

RW-50004: Error code received when running external process


When installing R12 (Vision instance) on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, the following error occurs:

RW-50004: Error code received when running external process. Check log file for details.
Running APPL_TOP Install Driver for VIS12 instance


Edit $INST_TOP/temp/restart.xml and change “runProcess_2” to runProcess_2.

Rapid Wizard was at the following point:

Step 3 of 5
Command: G:oracleVIS12instappsVIS12_appswindows2tempadrunias.cmd
Registering Application Technology Stack

The Oracle Universal Installer was running when the error occurred.

Checked MOS ID 790298.1 which suggested checking $INST_TOP/temp/restart.xml (G:oracleVIS12instappsVIS12_appswindows2temprestart.xml).

Changed line:


<installprocess oa_var="s_rerunprocess">"runProcess_2"</installprocess>


<installprocess oa_var="s_rerunprocess">runProcess_2</installprocess>

Then click Retry.


Restarting Rapidwiz gets Rw-50004 Error Code Recieved While Running External Process [ID 790298.1]

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  1. Thank you Vasudev for the sharing. It helped me install Oracle EBS on the Windows platform for the first time 🙂

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