Error: Could not resolve environment variable(s) in %PS_SERVDIR%logsPeopleTools.trc.


When launching Application Designer on the PeopleSoft server, the following error appears:

Error: Could not resolve environment variable(s) in %PS_SERVDIR%logsPeopleTools.trc.

Note that PeopleTools 8.50 is running on this machine.


Set the PS_SERVDIR environment variable to point to the process scheduler location.

In System Properties (right-click My Computer and choose Properties), click the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables. Under System variables, click New and then enter:

Variable name: PS_SERVDIR
Variable value: C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorpsftpt8.50appservprcsHRDMO

General format of the PS_SERVDIR variable value: %PS_HOME%appservprcsXXXX


PS_SERVDIR pointing to your process scheduler location (e.g. %PS_HOME%appservprcsCS90)
PS_SERVER_CFG pointing to your process scheduler configuration file (e.g. %PS_SERVDIR%psprcs.cfg)

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