How do I transfer a workflow from one R12 instance to another?
Use the WFLOAD command to download or upload the workflow.
Source the application tier environment and issue the following commands:
1. Check wf_item_types_tl table for workflow to transfer (HRSSA)
2. On source instance, source apps tier environment and download workflow information:
C:TEMP>wfload apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD UAT2_HR_Workflow.wft HRSSA
3. On target instance, source apps tier environment and download workflow information (for backup):
C:TEMP>wfload apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD TEST3_HR_Workflow.20120814 HRSSA
4. Copy workflow file downloaded from source instance to target instance.
5. On target instance, source apps tier environment and upload workflow information from step 2:
C:oracleTEST3appsapps_stapplfnd12.0.0binWFLOAD.exe apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD UAT2_HR_Workflow.wft
C:oracleDEV1appsapps_stapplfnd12.0.0binWFLOAD.exe apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD @HR:TEST1_HR_Workflow.txt