Problem: While running patch 6678700, the following error occurs:
FAILED: file jaircvdff.sql on worker 1.
Check adworker log in D:\ORACLE\MFGPR12\apps\apps_st\appl\admin\MFGP\log.
Solution: The cause of the issue is wrong parameter passed to script. Source the database tier environment and change directory to D:\ORACLE\MFGPR12\apps\apps_st\appl\ja\12.0.0\sql. Run jaircvff.sql and provide the following parameters while running the script manually:-
Enter value for 3: 1 Enter value for 4: 1 Enter value for 1: PO Enter value for 2: 1000
Once the script completes successfully then skip the worker using adctrl and continue with patching.
Reference: JAIRCVDFF.SQL FAILS ON 12.1.1 UPGRADE PATCH 6678700 (Doc ID 1473255.1)