Problem: How do I change the effective start date for an employee after it has been entered into EBS?
Solution: Use the hr_change_start_date_api.update_start_date procedure.
declare -- start of variable declarations, initialize variables with appropriate values to test the script -- varchar2 size is set to 2000 by default, please enter target table name to retrieve the exact limit -- input variables v_validate boolean; v_person_id number; v_old_start_date date; v_new_start_date date; v_update_type varchar2(2000); -- output variables v_warn_ee varchar2(2000); begin -- initialize variables v_validate := FALSE; v_person_id := 6066; v_old_start_date := '03-NOV-2014'; v_new_start_date := '13-OCT-2014'; v_update_type := 'E'; -- calling api hr_change_start_date_api.update_start_date hr_change_start_date_api.update_start_date( p_validate => v_validate ,p_person_id => v_person_id ,p_old_start_date => v_old_start_date ,p_new_start_date => v_new_start_date ,p_update_type => v_update_type ,p_warn_ee => v_warn_ee ); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('error : ' || sqlerrm); end; /