Author Archives: Vasudev Seeram - Page 2

Resolving ORA-1652 for tablespace TEMP1

Problem: Workflow has generated an error:

Event Error Message: 3835: Error '-1652 - ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP1' encountered during execution of Generate function 'WF_XML.Generate' for event ''.
Event Error Stack: 
Wf_Event.setMessage(, 470315, WF_XML.Generate)

Solution: Turn on autoextend on the tempfile in the TEMP1 tablespace, or add another tempfile.

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Resolving ORA-01691 for tablespace APPS_TS_MEDIA

Problem: When uploading attachments to EBS, the following error appears:

ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment APPLSYS.SYS_LOB000000000000000123043$$ 
by 16 in tablespace APPS_TS_MEDIA

Solution: Add another datafile to the APPS_TS_MEDIA tablespace using the command:

alter tablespace APPS_TS_MEDIA add datafile
 '/path/to/data/files/db/apps_st/data/a_mediaxx.dbf' size 4096M;

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Resolving ORA-01427 Error

Problem: A custom developed XML report for EBS is returning an “ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row” error when run.

Solution: For this report, include the predicate “AND rownum = 1” in the WHERE clause of the SQL SELECT statement.

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Running Application Diagnostics in EBS

Problem: We opened an SR with Oracle and they want us to run a diagnostics test for a payment process request. How do I run a diagnostics test in E-Business Suite?

Solution: Diagnostic tests in EBS are run from the Application Diagnostics responsibility.

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Resetting In-Process Purchase Orders

Problem: Some purchase orders are stuck in the “In Process” status. How do I reset these purchase orders?

Solution: Refer to How To Reset a Purchase Order or Requisition From In Process or Pre-Approved To Incomplete/Requires Reapproval For Isolated Cases (Doc ID 390023.1)

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Concurrent Job Taking Long to Complete on Clone

Problem: After cloning the production EBS instance, user submits the Subledger Period Close Exceptions  Report, but it does not complete.

Solution: Post-processing of the request is points to the production instance (for some reason). Run AutoConfig to point it back to the clone.

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Viewer Application Profile is Not Set

Problem: When attempting to launch the Journal Wizard, the following message is displayed:

Viewer application profile is not set

Solution: Edit the System Profile GL: Default Desktop Viewer and set its value to one of Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel 2002, Excel 2003 or Excel 2007.

Bounce application tier services.

Reference: Launch Journal Wizard Fails Error Viewer Application Profile is Not Set (Doc ID 459431.1)

Programmatic access to Office VBA project is denied:

How Do I Remove The Concurrent Manager Service?

Problem: How Do I Remove The Concurrent Manager Service?

Ensure that the concurrent manager service is not running.

At the command prompt, enter:

%COMMON_TOP%\admin\install\PROD_testsrv2\adsvcm.cmd -deinstall

Reference: Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Microsoft Windows Server (32-bit) (Doc ID 761567.1)

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [clscrsmsgFreeMessage()+32]

Problem: When shutting down 11.2.0 database, the following error occurs:

Shutting down archive processes
Archiving is disabled
Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0x3533] [PC:0x8F3194C,
Errors in file D:\ORACLE\PROD\PRODDB\11.2.0\ADMIN\PROD_testsrv3\diag\rdbms\mfg
p\PROD\trace\PROD_ora_29572.trc  (incident=12993):
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [clscrsmsgFreeMessage()+32] [ACCESS_
VIOLATION] [ADDR:0x3533] [PC:0x8F3194C] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
Incident details in: D:\ORACLE\PROD\PRODDB\11.2.0\ADMIN\PROD_testsrv3\diag\rdb
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
Tue Sep 17 11:06:12 2013
Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20130917110612], requested by (instan
ce=1, osid=29572), summary=[incident=12993].

Solution: Oracle Database 11.2.0 was installed twice on the same machine.

In Registry, delete the following keys in My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle:
ORA_CRS_HOME String Value: D:\ORACLE\PROD\PRODdb\11.2.0
Ocr Key

Worker 1 has status ‘C’

Problem: The Command Prompt window running the patch was accidentally closed off. When the patch was resumed, the following error appeared:

AutoPatch error:
Invalid status when reading existing table

Worker 1 has status 'C'

Solution: Restart patch once more.