Category Archives: UTT

rm: cannot lstat file: Input/output error


While attempting to remove a file on Linux, the message ‘rm: cannot lstat file: Input/output error’ appears:

[applmgr@oel5vis3 applmgr]$ cd /u01/VIS3/oracle/vis3db/9.2.0/oem_webstage/oracle/sysman/vbo/vbos
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ ls -ltr
total 16
?--------- ? ?       ?      ?            ? VbosLobStorage.class
?--------- ? ?       ?      ?            ? VbosLobSQLList.class
?--------- ? ?       ?      ?            ? VbosLobOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosDimensionOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosArrayTypeOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosClusterOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosDBLinkOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosIndexOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaObjectHelper.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaObjectOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaSourceOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosJavaClassOperations.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba    0 Apr 26  2002 VbosLob.class
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ rm VbosLobOperations.class 
rm: cannot remove `VbosLobOperations.class': Input/output error
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ rm -f VbosLobOperations.class 
rm: cannot remove `VbosLobOperations.class': Input/output error
[applmgr@oel5vis3 vbos]$ touch VbosLobOperations.class
touch: cannot touch `VbosLobOperations.class': Input/output error


Unmount partition with bad file and run fsck on partition (may need to exit Terminal window and open new Terminal window).


RW-20003: Error: Unzip failed: unknown reason


While installing a Vision instance of, the following errors appears:

RW-20003: Error: Unzip failed: unknown reason.
Check log file for details.

General solution:

Verify file owner and group settings for EBS staging area.
Redownload, restage installation media from DVD or E-Delivery.
Verify MD5 checksums for files downloaded from E-Delivery.

Solution (in this case):

/u00/Stage11i/oraApps/Disk4/appl/stage/ corrupt. Restage.

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-bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted


While following online instructions for installing E-Business Suite, it is advised to add the following code to /etc/profile:

if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
 if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
 ulimit -p 16384
 ulimit -n 65536
 ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536

However, when a user logs on, the following message appears:

-bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted


Set the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf, not /etc/profile. Follow E-Business Suite installation documentation on My Oracle Support, not online!



Notifications Automatically Closing


A preparer creates a purchase request and send it to the approver, who approves it. The preparer then receives a notification that the PR was approved, but the notification automatically disappears from the list after the browser is refreshed or when the user logs off.


The AutoClose_FYI parameter must be changed from ‘Y’ to ‘N’ in Notification Mailer.

Then the Notification Mailer must be stopped and started for the change to take effect.

Outbound Server Unable to Make a Network Connection


The Notification Mailer shows the following error:

Navigation: Oracle Application Manager > Site Map > Administration tab >
Notification Mailer (under Workflow)
Click: Workflow Notification Mailer

Component Details: Workflow Notification Mailer: TEST3 shows an error in Status

This automatic Service Component has been restarted the maximum of 10 times after
stopping with error. Thus, it has been system deactivated ->
oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainerException: Could not start component;
performing rollback -> oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentException: Validation
failed for the following parameters -> {OUTBOUND_SERVER=Unable to make a network


Change Outbound Server from EBS application tier server to mail server. The Outbound Server is usually automatically reset as part of the cloning process.

Change OUTBOUND_SERVER from oratestapps.domainname to 10.x.x.x.

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ORA-20100: File o0150175.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed


When running the Diagnostics: Apps Check from the Purchasing responsibility in Oracle Applications E-Business Suite 11i, the concurrent request completes in error and following error appears at the bottom of the output log:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20100: File o0150175.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed.
You will find more information on the cause of the error in request log.
ORA-06512: at “APPS.FND_FILE”, line 407
ORA-06512: at “APPS.FND_FILE”, line 581
ORA-06512: at line 120


Ran out of disk space on the db machine. The temp directory used by EBS is in the /var directory, which is only 1GB in size. The /var directory is being filled by yum updates.

As root user, execute the command ‘yum clean all’. Stop the yum updates by issuing the command ‘/etc/init.d/yum-updatesd stop’.

AC-30202: Unrecognized action specified, Context Value Management Failed


After sourcing APPSORA.env on and environment and running AutoConfig, the following error appeared:

$ ./ appspass=password

The log file for this session is located at: /u01/test3/test3appl/admin/TEST3_uttoratestapp03/log/12070801/adconfig.log

AutoConfig is configuring the Applications environment...

AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.
        Using APPL_TOP location     : /u01/test3/test3appl
        Classpath                   : /u01/test3/test3comn/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/rt.jar:/u01/test3/test3comn/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04/lib/dt.jar:/u01/test3/test3comn/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04/lib/tools.jar:/u01/test3/test3comn/java/

promptmsg=hide - AC-30202: Unrecognized action specified. Exiting.

ERROR: Context Value Management Failed.

The logfile for this session is located at:


After unsetting LD_ASSUME_KERNEL and applying patch 6365595, applied patch 5903765 (Applications Technology After patch completed, ran AutoConfig without problems.


EBS instance running out of processes


EBS instance running out of processes. Need to increase the database PROCESSES initialization parameter.


Change the PROCESSES init parameter in the pfile or scope=spfile. Then restart the database (using, not using the database stop immediate/startup command as shown below).

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Could not reserve record

Problem: When trying to add lines to a Standard RFQ (Request for Quotation), the user encounters the following error:

Could not reserve record [2 tries].

Solution: Kill lock on session.

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SQL Code Not Running In EBS

Problem: The following code runs in SQL Developer and SQL*Plus from the server:

SELECT person_name,
FROM apps.hrfg_detailed_special_info
WHERE to_date('&1', 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') BETWEEN date_from AND date_to
 AND information_type = 'ABC Full Time Payroll Remarks'
 AND segment_name = 'Remarks'
ORDER BY person_name

However, when it is registered as a concurrent program and run, no output appears.

Solution: The apps_initialize subroutine must be called before running the script.

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