Tag Archives: Concurrent Program

ORA-20100: File o0150175.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed


When running the Diagnostics: Apps Check from the Purchasing responsibility in Oracle Applications E-Business Suite 11i, the concurrent request completes in error and following error appears at the bottom of the output log:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20100: File o0150175.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed.
You will find more information on the cause of the error in request log.
ORA-06512: at “APPS.FND_FILE”, line 407
ORA-06512: at “APPS.FND_FILE”, line 581
ORA-06512: at line 120


Ran out of disk space on the db machine. The temp directory used by EBS is in the /var directory, which is only 1GB in size. The /var directory is being filled by yum updates.

As root user, execute the command ‘yum clean all’. Stop the yum updates by issuing the command ‘/etc/init.d/yum-updatesd stop’.

ORACLE error 20100 in FDPSTP

Problem: When running the Payments batches process in Oracle, the following error occurs.

ORACLE error 20100 in FDPSTP 

Cause: FDPSTP failed due to ORA-20100: File o}|#{|.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed. 
You will find more information on the cause of the error in request log. 
ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 396 ORA-06512.

Solution: Free disk space.

The drive on which temp files were created (pointed to by %TEMP% or %TMP%) ran out of space. Clear some disk space, and then rerun the Payments batches process.



Problem: When running International HRMS Setup from the UK HRMS Super User responsibility, the following error occurs:

Inserting Balance Attribute Definition : ONLINE_SOE_BALANCE_ATTRIBUTE
Start of log messages from FND_FILE

Solution: Ensure that the Human Resources product (PER) is licensed.

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SQL Code Not Running In EBS

Problem: The following code runs in SQL Developer and SQL*Plus from the server:

SELECT person_name,
FROM apps.hrfg_detailed_special_info
WHERE to_date('&1', 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') BETWEEN date_from AND date_to
 AND information_type = 'ABC Full Time Payroll Remarks'
 AND segment_name = 'Remarks'
ORDER BY person_name

However, when it is registered as a concurrent program and run, no output appears.

Solution: The apps_initialize subroutine must be called before running the script.

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EXEC FND_CONC_STAT.COLLECT Parameter Appearing in Concurrent Report Output

Problem: After SQL*Plus concurrent job is registered and run, the concurrent job completes in error and the following message appears in the output:

Enter value for 10: EXEC FND_CONC_STAT.COLLECT;
Enter value for 20:
Enter value for 30: EXIT
     peed.start_date between to_date('EXEC FND_CONC_STAT.COLLECT;', 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') and  to_date('','RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
ERROR at line 18:
ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0

Solution: The parameters in the SQL script must be changed from ‘&P_Start_Date’, ‘&P_End_Date’ and ‘&P_Payroll’ to ‘&1’, ‘&2’ and ‘&3’.

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“Compile Security” Concurrent Request completes in error

Problem: When the user runs the concurrent request for “Compile Security”, it completes with error.

Solution: On the database server, the /var directory has completely filled up and there is no free space. This directory is used by E-Business Suite as the temp directory (in reality, EBS uses/usr/tmp, which symbolically links to /var/tmp). The space is filled due to the yum daemon, which automatically downloads updates from Red Hat to the /var/cache/yum directory.

To resolve this issue, log on to the system as the root user and either delete the contents of the /var/cache/yum directory using ‘rm -f /var/cache/yum’, or execute the command ‘yum clean all’. To stop the yum-updatesd daemon, run the command ‘service yum-updatesd stop’ or ‘/etc/init.d/yum-updatesd stop’.

Export Function Not Working

Steps to reconfigure exporting in Oracle Applications:

1. Set System Profile Options ‘Export: Mime type’ to ‘text/tab-separated-values’

2. Setup your browser and Windows Explorer with this new mime type (if using Internet Explorer) :

– start Windows Explorer
– choose menu Tools => Folder Options…
– click on ‘File Types’ tab
– click on ‘New’ button to add a new type: File Extension: tsv
– click on ‘Advanced’ button and complete with: Associated File Type:
‘Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated File’ (select it from the list)
– enable ‘Automatic prompting for file downloads’ option from Internet
Explorer: menu Tools => Internet Options… Security tab => click on ‘Custom Level’ button => ‘Downloads’ section

Next, run the “Rebuild Help Search Index” concurrent program as follows:

1. Log into PROD
2. Choose the System Administrator responsibility
3. Navigate to Requests > Run
4. Choose “Single Request” and press “OK”
5. In the Name field choose the process “Rebuild Help Search Index”
6. A box with parameters will popup – leave the defaults and press “OK”
7. Press “Submit” to run the report
8. To view the progress of the process navigate to Requests > View and find all requests.

Setting Up TT Receipts Printer

This documentation shows how to set up the TT Receipts printer in Oracle Applications.

Step 1:        Set up a new Printer Style. Switch to the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Install > Printer > Style.

Style Name: TT_RECEIPT

Seq: 53

User Style: TT_RECEIPT

SRW Driver: ghlrecpt


Columns: 132

Rows: 33

Step 2:        Set up a new Printer Driver. Navigate to Install > Printer > Driver.

Driver Name: TT_RECEIPT

User Driver: TT_RECEIPT


SRW Driver: ghlrecpt

Driver Method: Command


Initialization: /eE

Reset: /eE

Step 3:        Add the new Printer Style and Driver to a Printer Type. Navigate to Install > Printer > Type.


Description: PCL



Step 4:        Add the new Printer. Navigate to Install > Printer > Register.

Printer: DotMatrix


Description: Cashier Dot Matrix

Step 5:        Associate the Printer Style and Name with the Receipt concurrent program. Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define.


Short Name: TT_RECEIPT

Application: Custom Application

Description: AR Receipt Printing Program

Executable Name: TT_RECEIPT

Method: Oracle Reports

Use in SRS: Checked

Restart on System Failure: Checked

NLS Compliant: Checked


Style Required: Checked

Printer: DotMatrix

The following is the contents of the recpt.prt file (located in /raid01/oraprod/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/reports directory on the oradata server):

printer “dec LN03 Portrait”

height   33

width    80

between pages control(L)

return        “”

linefeed      control(M) control(J)

code “bold on”         esc “[1m”

code “bold off”        esc “[0m”

code “underline on”    esc “[4m”

code “underline off”   esc “[0m”

Registering New Active Users Report

This documentation illustrates how to copy an existing report to a new report and register it in Oracle Applications. The Active Users report shall be used as an example.

Step 1:        Log on to Oracle Applications and choose the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define.

Step 2:        The Concurrent Programs form appears. Press F11 and type ‘Active%’ in the Program field. Then press Ctrl+F11.

Step 3:        The Active Users program appears in the form. Click the Copy To button.

Step 4:        The Copy To form appears. Enter ‘Active Users (PDF)’ in the Program field, and ‘FNDSCURSPDF’ in the Short Name field. Then click OK.

Step 5:        The Active Users (PDF) program appears in the form. Change the Output Format field to ‘PDF’. Then click Save.

Step 6:        Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Define. The Responsibilities form appears. Press F11. Type ‘System Administrator’ in the Responsibility Name field and ‘System Administration’ in the Application field, and press Ctrl+F11.

Note the Request Group Name and Application.

Step 7:        Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Request. The Request Group form appears. Press F11 and type ‘System Administrator Reports’ in the Group field and ‘Application Object Library’ in the Application field. Then press Ctrl+F11.

Step 8:        Select the record to insert the new record under, then click New. In the Name field, select ‘Active Users (PDF)’ from the list. Then click Save.

Step 9:        The report now appears in the Concurrent Requests list under System Administrator.

Step 10:   If there are any issues viewing the PDF reports, it may be necessary to change the PDF profile options. Search for ‘PDF’ or ‘Viewer’.

Configuring Expediting Report To Copy To Network Share

This documentation shows how to configure Oracle Applications to automatically copy the expediting report to a remote network share for use by SharePoint.

To copy the expediting report, a virtual printer was set up. When the expediting report was sent to this virtual printer, the output file (in HTML format) was copied to a remote network share. A link was set up in SharePoint to point to this file.

Setting up virtual printer

Step 1:        To set up a new printer in Oracle Applications, select the System Administrator responsibility. The custom Printer Style and Printer Driver must be set up first. Navigate to Install > Printer > Style.

Step 2:        Click the New button to enter a new style.

Step 3:        Enter the following information in the Print Styles form:

Style Name: copy_expediting_report

Seq: 87

User Style:   copy_expediting_report

SRW Driver: L

Columns: 132

Rows: 66

Step 4:        After entering the information, click the Save button.

Step 5:        Next, navigate to Install > Printer > Driver . Set up the printer driver as shown below:

Driver Name: copy_expediting_report

User Driver:   copy_expediting_report

SRW Driver: L

In the Arguments field, enter the following command (one line):

cmd /c “copy /Y $PROFILES$.FILENAME \ppnets01Expediting_ReportPPGPL_EXPEDITE.html”

Save the changes.

Step 6:        Navigate to Install > Printer > Types to enter a new printer type. Type Ctrl+F11, then use the Up and Down arrow keys to locate the HPLJ4SI printer type.

Under Printer Drivers, click any row under Style, and then click New. A new row appears. Enter the names of the custom style and driver created in the previous steps. Then click Save.

Step 7:        Finally, navigate to Install > Printer > Register to register the new printer.

Type Ctrl+F11 to list the printers currently registered. Click New to enter a new printer. Type the name of the printer, the printer type (HPLJ4SI) and a description. Click Save to save the changes.

Updating Concurrent Program to Use Virtual Printer

Step 1:        Modify the concurrent program setup for the expediting report to point to the new printer. Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define.

Type F11, enter USER_EXPEDITE in the Program field, and then type Ctrl+F11. Under Output, change the values for Style and Printer to those specified in the previous section. Ensure that Format is set to HTML.

Setting Up New Responsibility

In order for the report to be copied, it must be printed to the virtual printer with one copy, and not the default of zero copies. In order to automatically copy the file, the report must be set to print one copy by default.

The default number of report copies is set as a system profile value, and can be set at the application, responsibility or user levels. Once set, all reports under that level will print the specified number of copies by default.

Because all reports under the specified application, responsibility or user will be affected by changing the number of default report copies, a new responsibility was created and the report registered under this responsibility, so that the number of copies could be specified for the responsibility.

Step 1:        Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Request. Click New and enter the following information. Click in the Name field to enter the report and application name. Then click Save.

Step 2:        Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Define. Enter the following information. This will attach a basic menu to the responsibility created above. Under Effective Dates, change the From field to 01-JAN-1951.

Step 3:        Next, add the responsibility to a user. Navigate to Security > User > Define.

Type F11, enter the username that you wish to add the responsibility to, then type Ctrl+F11. Click under Direct Responsibilities, then click the New button. Select the name of the responsibility entered in the above step. Then click Save.

Setting Profile Option

Step 1:        The profile value must be set for the new responsibility so that the default number of copies for the report is one. Navigate to Profile > System.

In the Responsibility field, enter the responsibility set up in the previous section. In the Profile field, enter “Concurrent%” and then click Find.

Step 2:        Locate the Profile “Concurrent:Report Copies”. Under Responsibility, set the value of the field to 1. Save the change.

Scheduling Concurrent Program

Step 1:        To set up the schedule for the report, click the Switch Responsibility button.

Step 2:        Select the custom responsibility for the expediting report.

Step 3:        Navigate to Requests. The Submit Request form automatically appears since there is only one report registered in this responsibility.

Step 4:        Click in the Parameters field and enter the following parameters. Then click OK.

Start Date 01-Jan-2001
End Date 01-Jan-2010

Step 5:        Click the Schedule button.

To schedule the report to run every 30 minutes, select Periodically, then enter 30 in the field. Click the down arrow head and choose Minute(s). Then click OK.

Finally, click Submit. The report begins running immediately and will execute every 30 minutes thereafter.