Tag Archives: Customizations

Customizing R12 Start Page Logo

Customizing R12 Start Page Logo


How do I change or customize the Oracle logo on the R12 E-Business Suite Oracle Application Framework (OAF)/Self-Service Pages?


In EBS, navigate to System Administrator > Profile > System

Query “Corporate Branding Image for Oracle Applications” and set its value at the Site Level to name of the picture file with the new logo. The file can be PNG, JPG or GIF (you may need to experiment to confirm this).

On the server, place the picture file in the $OA_MEDIA directory (such as F:oraclePRODappsapps_stcomnjavaclassesoracleappsmedia).


Customizing the Corporate Branding Image for JTF-based Pages [ID 1464570.1]

Responsibilities Not Appearing After Logon

Problem: After logging on to Oracle Applications E-Business Suite, a custom responsibility is not appearing. This responsibility has disappeared for all users.

Solution: Checked My Oracle Support document “During Login Responsibilities Assigned to Users do not Appear in the Navigator Page [ID 565130.1]”. However, this did not resolve the issue.

Under the System Administrator responsibility, navigated to Security > Responsibility > Define, then queried for the responsibility that was not appearing (F11, Ctrl+F11). Under the Available From section on the form, the “Oracle Mobile Applications” option was selected. Selected “Oracle Applications” option, and then saved. After logging out and logging back in, the user was able to access the responsibility.

AutoConfig taking long on database tier


Running AutoConfig on the database tier of the ebusinesstest machine takes long (over 20 minutes).


Log file (/u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/log/TEST_ebusinesstest/03161419/adconfig.log) showed:

Starting synchronization of file system Context file and its templates with those in the database
Database connection     : Failed
OAM Context editing support feature: Unverified
OAM Customization support feature  : Unverified
File system template    : /u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/template/adxdbctx.tmp
Checking for customizations to Context template
Warning: Unable to connect to Database.
If the system is OAM enabled, this may result in loss of customizations.
Looking for custom template at : /u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/template/custom/adxdbctx.tmp
Custom template         : Not available
Customizations found    : None
File system Context file :/u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/TEST_ebusinesstest.xml
Checking the Context file for possible updates from the Database
Warning: Unable to connect to Database.
If the system is OAM enabled, this may result in loss of customizations and the Context files in DataBase and in the file system may be unsynchronized

Edited context file (/u0/oracle/testdb/9.2.0/appsutil/TEST_ebusinesstest.xml) and changed domain name of machine from (s_domainname) ‘support.com’ to ‘illuminatnm.com’.

Reran AutoConfig on the database tier and it completed under one minute. ‘illuminatnm.com’ domain remains in context file.

Customizing Fixed Assets Manager

1. Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu.
Query FA_MAIN in the User Menu  Name field.
Note the values in the Menu, User  Menu Name, Menu Type and Description fields.

2. Clear the form and enter a new menu.
In the Menu and User Menu Name  fields, enter CUSTOM_FA_MAIN.
Enter the same Menu Type (Standard)  and enter a new description (Custom Main menu for Oracle Assets).
Enter the original menu name as a  submenu of the custom menu. Then click Save.

3. Navigate to System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
In the Responsibility Name field, query Fixed Assets Manager.
Note the Responsibility Name,  Application, Responsibility Key, Description, Data Group Name, Menu and Request Group Name.

4. Clear the form and enter a new responsibility. Enter a new Responsibility Name, Responsibility Key and Description.
The Menu must be the custom menu  created above. The Application, Data Group Name and Request Group Name fields remain the same.
Under Menu Exclusions, choose Menu and select the FA_SETUP_MAIN menu.
Then click Save.

5. Navigate to System Administrator > Security > User > Define
To add the custom responsibility to a user, query the user.
Under Direct Responsibilities, insert the custom responsibility.
Then click Save.

Note that the menu exclusion for the Fixed Assets Manager was included (FA_PURGE) in the new
responsibility Custom Fixed Assets Manager, so that additional functionality would not appear in this new

Changing Logo on OA Portal Home Page

This documentation shows how to change the company logo on the Oracle Applications Portal Home page. This documentation uses Linux commands; substitute Windows commands as necessary.

Problem: The logo on the portal home page is the Oracle logo. The company logo is needed instead.

Solution: Locate the logo image file on the file system and replace it with the company logo.

Step 1: Create a new GIF file with the company logo. Resize the logo so that it no more than 70 pixels in height.

Step 2: Navigate to $COMMON_TOP/portal/$CONTEXT_NAME, e.g.

cd /emcb/test/testcomn/portal/TEST_utterptest

Step 3: Copy the new company logo to the above directory.

Step 4: Backup the original logo by copying it a file with extension OLD, e.g.

cp appsmed3.gif appsmed3.old

Step 5: Copy the new logo to appsmed3.gif, e.g.

cp newlogo.gif appsmed3.gif

The logo is changed on the portal home page.

Setting Up TT Receipts Printer

This documentation shows how to set up the TT Receipts printer in Oracle Applications.

Step 1:        Set up a new Printer Style. Switch to the System Administrator responsibility. Navigate to Install > Printer > Style.

Style Name: TT_RECEIPT

Seq: 53

User Style: TT_RECEIPT

SRW Driver: ghlrecpt


Columns: 132

Rows: 33

Step 2:        Set up a new Printer Driver. Navigate to Install > Printer > Driver.

Driver Name: TT_RECEIPT

User Driver: TT_RECEIPT


SRW Driver: ghlrecpt

Driver Method: Command


Initialization: /eE

Reset: /eE

Step 3:        Add the new Printer Style and Driver to a Printer Type. Navigate to Install > Printer > Type.


Description: PCL



Step 4:        Add the new Printer. Navigate to Install > Printer > Register.

Printer: DotMatrix


Description: Cashier Dot Matrix

Step 5:        Associate the Printer Style and Name with the Receipt concurrent program. Navigate to Concurrent > Program > Define.


Short Name: TT_RECEIPT

Application: Custom Application

Description: AR Receipt Printing Program

Executable Name: TT_RECEIPT

Method: Oracle Reports

Use in SRS: Checked

Restart on System Failure: Checked

NLS Compliant: Checked


Style Required: Checked

Printer: DotMatrix

The following is the contents of the recpt.prt file (located in /raid01/oraprod/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/reports directory on the oradata server):

printer “dec LN03 Portrait”

height   33

width    80

between pages control(L)

return        “”

linefeed      control(M) control(J)

code “bold on”         esc “[1m”

code “bold off”        esc “[0m”

code “underline on”    esc “[4m”

code “underline off”   esc “[0m”

Setting Up Custom GL Menus and Functions

Step 1: Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Request. Enter a new record with a new Group, Application, and Code. Then enter a new Request type.

Step 2: Next, navigate to Application > Function. Press F11 and search for CS%FND%. Locate CS_FNDRSRUN. Click the Form tab. Copy and paste the Parameters value to text file.

Step 3: Insert a new record in Form Functions named MFGL_FNDRSRUN. Paste the copied value into the Parameters field and modify the APPL_SHORT_NAME.

Step 4: Get menu name: GL_SUPERUSER

Navigate to Security > Responsibility > Define. Search for the custom responsibility by pressing F11 and entering the searching string, then press Ctrl+F11.

Step 5: Navigate to Application > Menu. We want to modify the Import Journals and review data Menu. Pull up GL_SUPERUSER menu and click View Tree. Navigate to Journals, then Import. Right-click and choose Properties. Alternatively, search for GL%IMPORT%.

Step 6: The GL_SU_J_IMPORT menu appears. Insert a new menu line together with its Prompt and Function Name. Then Save.

Creating A Custom Application

This documentation covers how to create a custom application, program and executable in Oracle Applications. The custom application will load data from feeder systems into Oracle Application’s interface tables.

A custom application needs to be set up only once. The custom program executable will then need to be set up and the program defined. Finally, the program must be added to a request group, so that it appears in a user’s responsibility.

Step 1:        Create a new application: Log on as the SYSADMIN user. Select the System Administrator responsibility, then navigate to Application, and then Register.

Step 2:        Click the New button to insert a new row.

Insert a new application, Maryland Financial Group Limited. The Short Name chosen is MFGL and Basepath is MFGL_TOP. Save the record.

Step 3:        Create a directory d:PRODprodapplmfgl on oracleserver. Under mfgl, create a directory ‘11.5.0. Under this directory, create the directories: bin, data, log, out, reports, and sql.

The d:PRODprodapplmfgl11.5.0 directory will be set to the environment variable MFGL_TOP.

Step 4:        Under Windows, Oracle Applications stores the application top folders in the registry. Update the registry on oracleserver to add the MFGL_TOP base path:



Step 5:        To add MFGL_TOP as an environment variable, create customPROD_oracleserver.cmd in the d:PRODprodappl directory and put the following path into this file.

set MFGL_TOP=d:PRODprodapplmfgl11.5.0

Step 6:        Navigate to Security, then ORACLE and finally DataGroup.

Insert a new record. Select the Maryland Financial Group Limited application, add APPS as Oracle ID and enter an optional description. Click Save.

Note that steps 1 to 6 only need to be done once. Since these steps have already been done, there is no need to go do them again.

Step 7:        The data will be loaded via SQL*Loader. Create the control file GLMLAS400.ctl file and place the SQL*Loader command in it. Place the control file in the d:PRODprodapplmfgl11.5.0bin folder.

Step 8:        Set up the concurrent program executable: Navigate to Concurrent, then Program and finally Executable.

Insert a new executable program. Ensure that the Execution Method is SQL*Loader, since selecting Host causes Oracle Application to look for an executable (“.EXE”) program rather than a “.CMD” program on Windows. Click Save.

Step 9:        Define the concurrent program: Navigate to Concurrent, then Program and finally Define.

Insert a new record and fill in the fields to add the new program. Click Save.

Step 10:   Click the Incompatibilities button. Insert a new incompatible program ‘Maryland – Load AS/400 GL Journals’. This will prevent another instance of this program from running if it is running already.

Step 11:    The program must now be set up so that it can be submitted from Standard Request Submission. To submit the program from the General Ledger Manager, the request group for the responsibility must be found. Navigate to Security, then Responsibility, and finally Define.

Search for the ‘General Ledger Manager’ responsibility. Note the name of the Request Group.

Step 12:   Add the new program to the Request Group. To do so, navigate to Security, then Responsibility and finally Request.

Search for the group noted in the previous step (in this case, ‘GL Concurrent Program Group’). Insert a new record for ‘Maryland – Load AS/400 GL Journals’.

Step 13:   Before running the concurrent request, place the data file in the d:PRODprodapplmfgl11.5.0data directory, under the name GLMLAS400GL.dat. If this file already exists in the directory, it can be overwritten.

Step 14:   Choose the General Ledger Manager responsibility. Submit a new request, ‘Maryland – Load AS/400 GL Journals’.

No parameters need to be entered for this request. The request will automatically search for the data file and load it if present. If not, the request completes in error and the log will have to be checked to determine the cause of the error.

For additional information on setting up a custom application, refer to Metalink Doc ID: Note:105127.1, Subject: FAQ (Customization).