Tag Archives: Installation - Page 3

Installing BEA WebLogic Windows Service


How can PeopleSoft profiles (fsdmo) that use BEA WebLogic as the web server be installed as a Windows Service?


Navigate to the WebLogic domain directory (E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdmobin) and run installNTservice.cmd .

To uninstall, use UninstallNTservice.cmd :

Cd /d E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdmobin
 UninstallNTservice.cmd PIA
 UninstallNTservice.cmd WebLogicAdmin
E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdmobin>UninstallNTservice.cmd PIA
fsdmo-PIA removed.
 Press any key to continue . . .
E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdmobin>UninstallNTservice.cmd WebLogicAdmin
fsdmo-WebLogicAdmin removed.
 Press any key to continue . . .

Setting Up IBM WebSphere as a Service


If the user that starts the IBM WebSphere web server logs off the system, the web server is shut down. A Windows service must be created to ensure that the web service(s) remain running.


At Command Prompt, issue the following commands:

 cd E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin
 WASService.exe -add fsdev -serverName server1 -wasHome E:IBMWebSphereAppServer -profilePath E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdev -logFile E:IBMWebSphereAppServerlogsstartNodefsdev.log -restart true -startType automatic
WASService.exe -add fsdmo -serverName server1 -wasHome E:IBMWebSphereAppServer -profilePath E:PSOFTFS900webservPIA_fsdmo -logFile E:IBMWebSphereAppServerlogsstartNodefsdmo.log -restart true -startType automatic
E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin>cd E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin
E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin>WASService.exe -add fsdev -serverName server1 -wasHome E:IBMWebSphereAppServer -profilePath E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdev -logFile E:IBMWebSphereAppServerlogsstartNodefsdev.log -restart true –startType automatic
 Adding Service: fsdev
 Config Root: E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdevconfig
 Server Name: server1
 Profile Path: E:PSOFTFS900webservfsdev
 Was Home: E:IBMWebSphereAppServer
 Start Args:
 Restart: 1
 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - fsdev service successfully added.
The “IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 – fsdev” service is created.
Note that the log file is E:IBMWebSphereAppServerlogsstartNodefsdev.log
 E:>cd E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin
E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin>WASService.exe -add tramdmo -serverName server1 -wasHome E:IBMWebSphereAppServer -profilePath E:PSOFTFS900webservPIA_tramdmo -logFile E:IBMWebSphereAppServerlogsstartNodetramdmo.log -restart true -startType automatic
 Adding Service: tramdmo
 Config Root: E:PSOFTFS900webservPIA_tramdmoconfig
 Server Name: server1
 Profile Path: E:PSOFTFS900webservPIA_tramdmo
 Was Home: E:IBMWebSphereAppServer
 Start Args:
 Restart: 1
 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - tramdmo service successfully added.
To remove the service:
 cd E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin
 WASService.exe -remove tramdmo
 E:>cd E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin
E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin>WASService.exe -add peoplebooks -serverName server1 -wasHome E:IBMWebSphereAppServer -profilePath E:PSOFTFS900webservPSOL_fsdmo -logFile E:IBMWebSphereAppServerlogsstartNodepeoplebooks.log -restart true -startType automatic
Adding Service: peoplebooks
 Config Root: E:PSOFTFS900webservPSOL_fsdmoconfig
 Server Name: server1
 Profile Path: E:PSOFTFS900webservPSOL_fsdmo
 Was Home: E:IBMWebSphereAppServer
 Start Args:
 Restart: 1
 IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1 - peoplebooks service successfully added.
To remove the service:
 cd E:IBMWebSphereAppServerbin
 WASService.exe -remove peoplebooks


Setting up the WebSphere Node Manager as a Windows service

First, you need to set up the Node Manager on each physical server to run as a service and restart after a reboot:

Open a Command Window and go to the ..IBMWebSphereAppServerbin directory
Type in the following command (adjusted for your install paths):

WASService -add “IBM WebSphere Node Agent” -servername nodeagent -profilePath D:IBMWebSphereAppServerprofilesAppSrv01 -wasHome D:IBMWebsphereAppserver -logFile D:IBMWebSphereAppServerprofilesAppSrv01logsnodeagentstartNode.log -logRoot D:IBMWebSphereAppServerprofilesAppSrv01logsnodeagent -restart true -startType automatic

Unable to install WebLogic


When installing BEA WebLogic from the command line, the following error appears:

Step 1 – Installation preparation.
WebLogic was unexpected at this time.


Remove spaces from folder name:
Rename E:stagingCDImagesBEA WebLogic to E:stagingCDImagescd849-WebLogic.

Unable to Install Micro Focus Net Express


Micro Focus Net Express not installing


1. On GLWEBAPP, share the E:stagingCDImagesMicro Focus NetExpress CDsdisk1

2. On GLWEBAPP, map the shared disk1 directory to Z:

3. Using My Computer, navigate to Z:AUTORUNHTML and run START.HTM

4. Click Install, and then click “Click here to install or upgrade Net Express 4.0”

DDDAUDIT Report Generates 136 Pages


After running DDDAUDIT on fsdmo, the report generates the following errors:

(TABLE-1) SQL Table Names defined in the Application Designer that are not blank and not the same as the Record Name: No rows found.
(TABLE-2) SQL Table defined in the Application Designer and not found in the Database: (continued) 3,739 Total Rows
(TABLE-3) SQL Table defined in the Database and not found in the Application Designer: No rows found.
(TABLE-4)INFORMATIONAL ONLY - Tablespace not defined for SQL Table in the Application Designer: No rows found.
(TABLE-5) Table Contains More Than 500 Fields : No rows found.
(VIEWS-1) Views defined in the Application Designer and not found in the Database: No rows found.
(VIEWS-2) Views defined in the Database and not found in the Application Designer: No rows found.
(INDEX-1) Index defined in the Application Designer and not found in the Database: 4,028 Total Rows
(TRIGGER-1) Trigger defined in the Application Designer and not found in the Database: No rows found.


Script to populate the database was not run. Logged on to Data Mover as user ‘sa’ (in bootstrap mode) and ran fsdmomss_fsdmo.dms script. Ensure that the fsdmomss script from the correct PS_HOME is used.

Did not complete the database installation. In the “Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 Installation for Microsoft SQL Server”, start from Task B-8 and import the projects. Run Application Designer and import PS

Application Designer Crashes


When recreating database (on page 420-421 of Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 Installation for Microsoft SQL Server), Application Designer crashes on record 2746/4009 while copying project PPLTL84CUR.


1. Run Application Designer on glwebapp, not gldbase

2. Copy the PTPATCH project using Application Designer

Others suggestions:

FSCM MP5 partially applied to node. Inconsistent libraries for Application Designer. Reapply MP5.

Allocate more memory to the Java runtime.

Error running rel849n.sql

The following errors appear when running rel849n in SQL Server:

Msg 1913, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The operation failed because an index or statistics with name ‘PSAPSROLECLASS’ already exists on table ‘PSROLECLASS’.
Msg 1913, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The operation failed because an index or statistics with name ‘PSCPSTREELEAF’ already exists on table ‘PSTREELEAF’.


These objects already exist in the database, and the error can be ignored.

COBOL batch programs not running


After installing PeopleSoft Financials, the COBOL batch programs not running.


1. Download Micro Focus Cobol Net Express Edition from:


2. Install Micro Focus Cobol Net Express With .Net on the batch server. Disable the option to install .Net, as it will require Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Post-install checks fail after installing


After installing Oracle Applications E-Business Suite on Windows, the post installation checks (HTTP Check, JSP Check, PHP Check) fail.


Install Microsoft XML (msxml3.msi) located in downloadsXML.

Installing Oracle Applications Release 12 on Demo Laptop (OEL 5.1)

Installing Oracle Applications Release 12 on Demo Laptop (OEL 5.1)

1. Installed OEL 5.1 on 160GB hard drive: 100MB /boot; 6GB swap; remaining space /

2. Created user applmgr on initial setup

3. Created group dba, assigned group dba to user applmgr, made dba primary (and only) group for applmgr

4. On appslinux, assigned ip address and hostname (, demolinux) to /etc/hosts
On demolinux, assigned ip address and hostname (, appslinux) to /etc/hosts

5. On appslinux, edited /etc/exports (as root user) to include demolinux:

6. Restart nfs service (as root user) on appslinux:
service nfs restart

7. On demolinux (as root user):
mkdir /mnt/u4
mount -t nfs appslinux:/u4 /mnt/u4

8. On demolinux (as root user):
mkdir /oracle
chown applmgr:dba /oracle

9. Load the /mnt/u4/StageR12/startCD/welcome.html into Firefox
Open the Rapid Install installation PDF

10. On demolinux, ensure that /tmp is accessible by all users (chmod 777 /tmp)

11. On demolinux, ensure that required maintenance tools are present:
which ar
which ld
which gcc
which g++
which ksh
which make

12. Check Metalink Doc ID: 402310.1 to ensure

a. Ensure that OS version is supported:
Minimum: Oracle Enterprise Linux: 4.0 – Update 4 or higher (32-bit)
Current: Oracle Enterprise Linux Release 5 – Update 1 [ok]

b. Ensure that kernel version is supported
Minimum: Oracle Enterprise Linux: 2.6.9-
Current: Oracle Enterprise Linux: 2.6.18-53.elPAE [ok]

13. Manually installed the following RPMs:
compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-138.i386.rpm [CD 2]
openmotif22-2.2.3-18.i386 [CD 3]

sysstat-7.0.0-3.el5.i386 [CD 3]
compat-db-4.2.52-5.1.i386.rpm [CD 3]
libaio-devel-0.3.106-3.2.i386.rpm [CD 2]