Tag Archives: Perl

Perl lib version (v5.6.1) doesn’t match executable version (v5.8.3)


While cloning E-Business Suite R12 on Windows 2008 to a new machine, the following error appears:

C:oracleTEST2dbtech_st11.1.0appsutilclonebin>perl adcfgclone.pl dbTier
Perl lib version (v5.6.1) doesn't match executable version (v5.8.3) at C:oracle
UAT1appstech_st10.1.2perl5.6.1libMSWin32-x86/Config.pm line 21.
Compilation failed in require at adcfgclone.pl line 28.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at adcfgclone.pl line 28.


Unset PERl5LIB environment variable.

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admsi.pl Not Running on Windows


After sourcing the apps environment and running admsi.pl from Command Prompt, admsi.pl opens in Notepad instead of launching the Java forms patch wizard.


Set the DISPLAY parameter and run the script from Perl.

D:patches9239089>which admsi.pl


D:patches9239089>perl %AD_TOP%binadmsi.pl
Invoking Oracle Patch Application Assistant....
Please set the DISPLAY variable and re-run this script

D:patches9239089>echo $DISPLAY

D:patches9239089>echo %DISPLAY%

D:patches9239089>set DISPLAY=.0:0

D:patches9239089>perl %AD_TOP%binadmsi.pl
Invoking Oracle Patch Application Assistant....

Version of OUI too low (Cloning)


When rerunning adcfgclone.pl, the following error occurs:

ERROR: The version of the OUI found in /u0/oracle/testora/iAS/appsoui ( is too low. Please make sure that you have applied the latest OUI patch required by Rapid Clone.

Restart adclone.pl after performing required corrections.

ERROR: Failed to execute adclone.pl


Apply patch 5035661:

A. Applying the patch on the iAS $ORACLE_HOME:


1.Unzip the patch into the <iAS ORACLE_HOME> directory:

unzip -od <iAS ORACLE_HOME> p5035661_11i_<PLATFORM>.zip

ie: unzip -od /u01/oracle/prodora/iAS p5035661_11i_LINUX.zip

2.Source the Apps environment file :

On Unix/Linux, execute <APPL_TOP>/APPS<SID>_<hostname>.env

On Windows, execute <APPL_TOP>Envshell.cmd.

If the environment file is not available, please make sure the environment variable ‘APPL_TOP’ is set.

3.Change directory to the <iAS ORACLE_HOME>/appsoui/setup

4.Execute the perl script OUIsetup.pl:

perl OUIsetup.pl


In the case of a Multi-Node instance, the above process should be repeated on the <iAS ORACLE_HOME> of each Node.

unzip -od /u0/oracle/testora/iAS/ /u0/patches/p5035661_11i_LINUX.zip

. /u0/oracle/testappl/APPSTEST_ebusinesstest.env

cd /u0/oracle/testora/iAS/appsoui/setup/

perl OUIsetup.pl

sh: adchkutl.sh: command not found (Cloning)


When trying to clone Illuminat TEST database, the following error occurred:

sh: adchkutl.sh: command not found


  1. Add the directory with the PERL executable to the path (added . to the path, so that #2 will not occur).
  2. Instead of:

perl adcfgclone.pl dbTier


perl ./adcfgclone.pl dbTier

Pre-Upgrade Checks On Production

1. Check the Invalid Objects in the existing Production Instance and Spool the output

2. Check the Size of existing SGA in Production

3. Check the Number of Tablespaces along with free space

4. Check the Number of Datafiles/Log/Control files in Production

5. Run Autoconfig on both Both Nodes just to make sure that autoconfig run successful on both nodes…Note: This must be done when users logout from application

6. Relink any Executable eg.FNDLIBR using adadmin or adrelink command on both nodes just to make sure that there is no relink issue for any module

7. Check the Installed or Shared Modules on existing Production Instance along with it Patch Level

8. Turn Off Archive Log mode

Note: Except step 5,6,8 spool the output and store it for further reference

Additional steps:

a. Obtain URL, port of instance

b. Obtain username and password of essential Oracle users (apps, system, sys) and OS users (applmgr, root)

c. Obtain username, password for user with System Administrator responsibility, to test concurrent programs (e.g. Active Users)

d. Determine and note location of database files, log files, control files, archive log files

e. Note location of top directories (APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, ORA_TOP, DB_TOP, DATA_TOP)

f. Determine status of archivelog mode (and turn off if necessary)

g. Record PERL location and version

h. Rerun AutoConfig on database, application tiers to ensure it is working

I. Run adrelink on database, application to ensure it is working

j. Source environment and ensure environment variables correct (e.g. APPLCSF)

k. Ensure UNIX commands available (cc, ld, make/gnumake, ar)

EBS Cloning Environment Variables

Problem: What environment variables must be set before cloning, assuming no prior EBS environment file is present?


Here is a sample script to source before running post-clone steps. It sets up the location to the PERL and Java executables. Note the directories must be changed to reflect your environment.

export PERL5LIB=/u01/deltaora/iAS/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503:
export PATH=.:/u01/deltaora/iAS/Apache/perl/bin:/u01/deltacomn/util/jre/1.1.8/bin:$PATH
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19