Tag Archives: SQL Developer

ORA-01843: not a valid month


When trying to convert the char column (attribute9) to date using the to_date function in SQL Developer, the following error is displayed:

ORA-01843: not a valid month
01843. 00000 -  "not a valid month"


Dates were stored in two different formats (mm/dd/yyyy) and (dd-mon-yyyy) in the attribute9 column. Convert all dates to one format (dd-mon-yyyy).

JDK for Linux SQL Developer


After installing SQL Developer on Linux, which Java JDK should be installed?


On the Java SE Downloads page (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html), locate the Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 31 section (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-6u31-download-1501634.html), and download and install the Linux version of the JDK:

Linux x86 (32-bit)    77.07 MB        jdk-6u31-linux-i586-rpm.bin

ORA-00604, ORA-01882 While Connecting With SQL Developer


While trying to connect to an Oracle database on EBS 11.5.9 (running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4) using SQL Developer 3.0.04, the following message appears:

An error was encountered performing the requested operations:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01882: timezone region not found
OO604. 00000 - "error occurred at recursive SQL level %s"
*Cause: An error occurred while processing a recursive SQL statement 
(a statement applying to internal dictionary tables).
*Action: If the situation described in the next error on the stack 
can be corrected, do so; otherwise contact Oracle Support
Vendor code 604


Change the timezone variable in sqldeveloper.conf to a valid one for the database.

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Could not reserve record

Problem: When trying to add lines to a Standard RFQ (Request for Quotation), the user encounters the following error:

Could not reserve record [2 tries].

Solution: Kill lock on session.

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SQL Code Not Running In EBS

Problem: The following code runs in SQL Developer and SQL*Plus from the server:

SELECT person_name,
FROM apps.hrfg_detailed_special_info
WHERE to_date('&1', 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') BETWEEN date_from AND date_to
 AND information_type = 'ABC Full Time Payroll Remarks'
 AND segment_name = 'Remarks'
ORDER BY person_name

However, when it is registered as a concurrent program and run, no output appears.

Solution: The apps_initialize subroutine must be called before running the script.

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Troubleshooting Custom Reports

Running Report from Command Prompt

To run the pay_register.rdf custom report from the Command Prompt, enter the following command at the prompt:

C:> C:oracleproduct10.2.0db_2binrwbuilder.exe report="C:Documents and Settingsuser01DesktopReports Tuning Issuetest.aippay_register.rdf" userid=apps/apps@vis2.world tracemode=TRACE_APPEND tracefile=c:temppay_register01.txt traceopts=(trace_SQL,TRACE_PLS,trace_prf,trace_tms)

The report loads in Reports Builder.

1. Compile the packages by typing Shift+Ctrl+K.

2. Run the Paper Layout version of the report by Shift+Ctrl+R.

3. In the Payroll ID parameter field, enter 112.

4. In the Pay Advice Date field, enter 2003/08/29.

Running SQL Code in SQL Developer

1. Open the report in Reports Developer and double-click on the Data Model icon (not word).

2. Double-click the Q_1 box. The SQL code for the Q_1 query appears.

3. Copy all the SQL code and run it in SQL Developer.

4. For the p_payroll_id, enter 112

5. For the p_pay_advice_date, enter 29-AUG-2003