When running the Build and Alter Task > Build and Alter Step, the follow appear in the log file:
SQL Build process began on 12/29/2008 at 3:43:44 PM for database FSDEV.
Warning: SAC_SRCNODE_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: The record SPL_PEGGING_INF has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index.
Warning: The record WTHD_SENT_DTL has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index.
Warning: The record WTHD_SNT_D_HST has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index.
Warning: The record WTHD_TO_SND_DTL has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index.
Warning: The record WTHD_TO_SND_TMP has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index.
Warning: The record WTHD_TRXN_TMP3 has more than 16 keys. Table will be altered to support functional index.
Warning: GM_CONT_CERT_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: GM_CONT_JHDR_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: GM_CONT_PROF_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: PL_SOHOLD3_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: RE_OPEXADT_PADD - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: RE_OPEXADT_RADD - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: SAC_TGTNODE_VW - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: SHIPTO_ADDR_VW1 - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: SHIPTO_ADDR_VW2 - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: SPA_SP_RC_PD_V2 - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: VNDR_ORDER_TMP - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
Warning: VNDR_REMIT_TMP - Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73)
**** Begin Build Settings for this Run
Create Tables = Yes
Create Indexes = Yes
Create Views = Yes
Create Triggers = Yes
Alter Tables = Yes
Log to File = Yes
Log to Window = No
Write comments to script = Yes
Always overwrite files = Yes
Execute SQL Now = No
Write SQL to script file = Yes
Logging level = Log fatal errors and warnings only
Table creation option = Skip table if it exists
View creation option = Drop and recreate view if it exists
IndexCreationOption = Recreate index only if modified
Alter Adds = Yes
Alter Changes = Yes
Alter Renames = Yes
Alter Deletes = Yes
Alter even if no changes = No
Alter Table Option = Alter in Place
Write script output to: Separate files
Log filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/BuildAndAlter.log
Table creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTables.sql
Index creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateIndexes.sql
View creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateView.sql
Trigger creation script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTriggers.sql
Alter table script filename = E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/AlterTables.sql
Alter drop column option = drop column if data present
Alter truncate column option = truncate column if data present
Target database platform = MICROSFT
Target sizing set = 0
SQL Build process ended on 12/29/2008 at 3:45:28 PM.
1641 records processed, 0 errors, 19 warnings.
SQL Build script for Create Tables written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTables.sql.
SQL Build script for Create Indexes written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateIndexes.sql.
SQL Build script for Create Views written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateView.sql.
SQL Build script for Create Triggers written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/CreateTriggers.sql.
SQL Build script for Alter Tables written to file E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/AlterTables.sql.
SQL Build log file written to E:/temp/softwareupdateFSCM900_MP5{823d7dbc-c7c8-11dd-9439-e147c04c274d}/BuildAndAlter.log.
This is acceptable according to the documentation for the step:
If you receive the following warning message during the Build and Alter Step of the Build and Alter task, it is due to the Record being deleted by the Project. Please ignore the warning: Record definition does not exist. Record not processed. (76,73). If you receive the following warning message during the Build and Alter Step of the Build and Alter task, it is due to the field being deleted by the Project. Please ignore the warning: Field to be deleted has data present. Record processed. (76,23).DB2 Customers may need to recreate All Views manually by running createvw.dms using Datamover. This is because some views might become inoperable due to dependencies.If Run Create Triggers Script step fails because a trigger does not exist in the database then go to the CREATETRIGGERS.sql script in the Output directory, remove the offending statement and rerun the script.
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