Tag Archives: Workflow

Loading Workflow Information Using WFLOAD


How do I transfer a workflow from one R12 instance to another?


Use the WFLOAD command to download or upload the workflow.

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Outbound Server Unable to Make a Network Connection


The Notification Mailer shows the following error:

Navigation: Oracle Application Manager > Site Map > Administration tab >
Notification Mailer (under Workflow)
Click: Workflow Notification Mailer

Component Details: Workflow Notification Mailer: TEST3 shows an error in Status

This automatic Service Component has been restarted the maximum of 10 times after
stopping with error. Thus, it has been system deactivated ->
oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainerException: Could not start component;
performing rollback -> oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentException: Validation
failed for the following parameters -> {OUTBOUND_SERVER=Unable to make a network


Change Outbound Server from EBS application tier server to mail server. The Outbound Server is usually automatically reset as part of the cloning process.

Change OUTBOUND_SERVER from oratestapps.domainname to 10.x.x.x.

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Unable to make a network connection

Problem: When configuring Workflow Mailer, and no password is entered for the Inbound Mailer Server (IMAP), the instance pauses for a few seconds, then returns:

Unable to make a network connection


If a valid mail server is entered into the Inbound Server Name under Inbound Email Account, but invalid username and password is entered, the following message appears:

Unable to connect to the mail account. Check the host, user name and password.

If a valid mail server is entered into the Inbound Server Name under Inbound Email Account, and a valid username and password is entered, the following message appears:


Need to put a valid username and password into the Inbound Server Name.

Ensure that the Test Email Address and Reply-To email addresses are different.

e.g. dbadmin@school.com, surajini.shrivastav@school.com

Validation Error occurred


When trying to set up Workflow Notifications in Oracle Application Manager, the following error occurred:

Validation error occurred. Please check indicated fields below.


Log on as user SYSADMIN and set up the workflow.

Run the $FND_TOP/sql/wfver.sql script.